
Illicit reporting

Welcome to the Whistleblowing portal of OMAL SPA

Any reports that turn out to be unfounded or forwarded in bad faith by the reporting person will be prosecuted in accordance with the legislation in force. The Company may impose sanctions when the criminal liability of the reporting person for offences of defamation or slander or, in any case, for the same offences committed with the report to the judicial or accounting authorities or his civil liability, for the same reason, in cases of wilful misconduct or gross negligence, is ascertained, even with a first degree judgement.

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1 The reporter accesses the web application anonymously by entering the wrongdoing to be reported, documentary evidence (any metadata of which will be suppressed), and information about it
2 As a result of sending the report, the reporter receives from the system an identification code related to the report
3 The reports received by the system are accessed by the Whistleblowing Report Manager, an entity with autonomy and specifically and adequately trained in the management of reports, which it will handle in absolute confidentiality
4 Due to the principle of decoupling, the system handles the identification data of the reporter separately from the content of the report so that the report can be processed anonymously and subsequently associated, upon request to the reporter for additional data that can be accepted or rejected, with the identity of the reporter only in cases where this is strictly necessary
5 The Report Manager receives an email alert upon receipt of a new report